Noelle Marshall--My Final Song

The moment Carl announced that we would have to move was no surprise to me.  I had heard God speak to me years before saying that He was taking us to places we had never been.  It was in those same moments that He commissioned me to advance my music ministry with passion and fervor.  At the sound of His voice, I was filled with a sense of His power.  I knew that, this time, things would be different.  After all, I had God’s favor on my side! 

Unfortunately, the next several years were not what I expected.  Instead of being suddenly “discovered” by some big name recording executive, I helplessly watched the power and quality of my voice dissipating almost overnight.  As a worship leader, I was desperate to find a solution for my vocal issues.  As a result, the next year was spent in one doctor's office after another seeking a medical reason for the loss of my voice.  The first doctor quickly diagnosed silent reflux as the issue, but could do no more than treat the worst of my symptoms before sending me to another doctor.  The second cautioned that I may be in the beginning stages of esophageal cancer, giving me a year to live.  Thankfully, tests proved he was wrong.  He eventually sent me to a third doctor who did little more than the second.  Doctor after doctor left me wondering if I would ever hear “my” voice again. 

Each time I would sing with my weakened voice (a requirement of my job), more of the quality and power would be lost until I was left with a mere remnant of the voice I had once cherished.  One particularly bad day, I fell to my knees and told God that if this was all the voice I had left, I would use it for His glory.  I would give to Him the gift of my final song.  I remember lying prostrate with tears streaming down my face while Casting Crowns sang “If all I had was one more song to sing, I would raise a noise to make the heavens ring!  Music intersected with my heart as those words became my prayer and my purpose.  Within one month, I was sent to a vocal specialist in Philadelphia who immediately recognized what I was facing and began a treatment plan that would almost completely restore the voice I thought I had lost forever.

It’s amazing how skewed our outlook can become when even God’s people begin to value us by our talents. Unknowingly, I had allowed myself to view my worth within the Body of Christ by the quality of the music I performed.  I felt that my voice was all I had to offer and, without it, I was useless.  This incredibly humbling experience taught me that my voice wasn’t all that I had to use for God’s glory — He wanted to use me completely.

When I joined my first Incubator webinar and heard Nate Sakany, President of Incubator Creative Group, sharing that music was only the wrapping on the package of who God made me, I was stunned!  Was there really a music company who was interested in who I was beyond my vocal ability and stage presence?  Over and over again throughout that series I sat dumbfounded to hear this CEO speaking directly to the heart of my deepest desire.  I wasn’t looking for fame or fortune.  What my heart really yearned for was to connect the message within me to the people around me.  The more I examined Incubator, the more impressed I was and the more I knew that God had brought us together. 

My journey with Incubator has been full of emotion!  I have laughed at how similar Nate’s jokes are to mine (while Carl groaned in the background), and I have cried as a sense of God’s anointing on my ministry overwhelmed me.  I have ripped out my hair in frustration convinced that I could never accomplish all this work.  Then soared with elation as I sent in the last project on time.  God has taken me to the end of myself, to the place where I had nothing left, and then restored to me more than I had lost.  Today, I am humbled and amazed and filled with a sense of purpose.  My life is not my own.  I was bought with a price that I could never repay.  Every note I now sing reminds me of how great, how loving, and how good my God truly is!