Yvonne: I May Be Rooted, But My Ministry Is Growing Beyond Where I’m Planted!

I started performing as an artist in 2006.  I learned to play guitar so that I could accompany myself when singing in church. I had only started singing alone to accompaniment CDs a few years before, but I had been singing in church choirs since I was little. I longed to be a part of a worship team, but my current church did not have one and was not likely to start one any time soon.  About that time we had moved to Oley and that church was over 30 minutes away.  We decided to look for another church – one with a contemporary worship team – that was closer to our new farm.  We found one and started attending and doing all the things they said I needed to do if I was interested in becoming part of the worship team.  Long story short, I jumped through all their hoops and in the end the worship team seemed to be a closed group and I was never going to be a part of it.  

But God had other plans for me…I left that church after an incident that hurt me to my very core.  I will leave out the details.  But God kept tugging at my heart with music.  Some of my early songs have inspiration from that part of my life.  I realized that God was calling me to do more than just do music for the church, but He had a much bigger plan for me.  I decided to try singing outside the church.

When I first started performing, I sang other Contemporary Christian artists’ songs.  Shortly after my first performance at a Coffee House I started writing my own songs.  I have now written nearly 50 songs and I have released 3 CDs and my 4th will be released soon.  And yet, although I have been told things like “you have such a beautiful voice” and “your songs have so much meaning” and “I love your music”, I still have not been able to really grow my music ministry.  I feel like I have hit a plateau.

When I first got the email from Incubator, I was a little suspicious.  What intrigued me was that they were offering me a free training session called “The Non-Nashville Blueprint”.  It talked about a model that would allow artists to have a successful music ministry that didn’t involve moving to Nashville or even touring the country.  This was very interesting to me.  You may know that I am married to a farmer and he runs a family-run dairy with two of his brothers and other family members.  It is not something that we can move elsewhere and I was interested in growing my ministry, but also blooming where I was planted – since my roots go pretty deep here.  

So, I thought “what have I got to lose?”  I signed up for the training and really liked what they were saying.  They offered more free training and I took more, really liking what they were proposing.  They have this saying “you know it’s a calling because it keeps on calling” and that is EXACTLY how I felt about my ministry.  I just didn’t know how to grow being centered in Oley, PA.  I was also very frustrated with the typical music business and how they operate.  Not only is it a basically secular industry (even most of the Christian labels have been taken over by secular labels), but I have heard horror stories about how the label is the only one that makes any money and how they like to change your music to what they think would be more popular.  Their main goal is to sell CDs to lots of people.  It’s the only way they make money.  You have to get in front of large crowds and sell lots of CDs to be successful in the traditional music business.  I found Incubator a breath of fresh air!

I feel that God has called me to a ministry that has a higher purpose than just selling music.  Don’t get me wrong – music is what I do.  It’s the whole reason I have a ministry at all.  I just feel there is more of a message to give to those that really need it than just through songs.  I have always had a heart for the lost and the searching.  These are the people that need to hear the messages that God has blessed me with in my music.  Many times, I find that the people that are most hard up are the ones that need my ministry the most.  I have been working with a church in Pottstown almost as long as I have been performing.  I have grown while ministering to those they help.  They have free meals and a worship service especially for the homeless and down and out.  I have learned that while ministering to them, I am blessed as much as I hope they are blessed.  They have such appreciation and kindness there.  They are the kind of people that most need ministering to.  They typically do not have the money to even buy a CD if they want one.  

The Incubator model allows me to minister in places that need it, not just the ones that can afford it.  I can be a missionary right here in my own back yard – a musicianary.  I can fulfill God’s calling on my life – right where I am.  I just need people to believe in me and join me in my ministry.  Incubator has given me the encouragement that I needed at the time that I needed it the most.  They will help me develop my ministry and keep me on track.  I truly believe that God orchestrates our lives by putting people in our lives in order to help us follow the path he has for us.  As I look back on my life and specifically my ministry, I can see God’s fingerprints all over it.  I am so excited to see where He leads me next!