Nathan Tingle and Incubator Meet in Nashville

Well, not only did I get to meet Nate and Tami in person at the Nashville Summit, but I got to meet a handful of the Incubator artists as well. It felt like I was with family that I just hadn't seen in a long time. And indeed we are family...brothers and sisters in Christ. But I really wasn't sure what to expect. I found out quick that this was a group of unique, God honoring artists that were led by two of the kindest (and wisest) leaders I have ever met. True pioneers in the field of Christian music. The atmosphere was relaxed and there was lots of laughter throughout the day. I loved how everyone there seemed to esteem each other more highly than themselves...there was no petty competition or 'attitude' but real humility and love. I realized how incredibly powerful this type of gathering can be. Here was a group of artists that really valued ministry over music and interested in making a deep spiritual impact with people. The teaching sessions w/ Nate and Tami were FILLED with nuggets of wisdom and I left the Summit encouraged in the Lord and with a renewed confidence in my calling....not to mention a small group of lifetime friends.