Dee Emeigh Comments about Incubator's Music Ministry Accelerator

When I started working with Incubator, I knew I had a calling to ministry beyond just getting up and singing a song, but I just didn't know what I needed to do to make that happen. I knew my music was only one of many creative expressions God had given me, but I'd never found anyone else who believed that all these gifts were worth developing. Incubator’s 'ity bity values' aligned with mine, and it was incredibly encouraging to hear someone else say so many of the things I’d always believed about music ministry and about being an entrepreneur. As I devoted consistent time to listening and responding to my assignments, my vision was expanded by one realization after another. I had never cosidered treating my ministry dream like a business, although I had a lot of pieces already in place to do so. Through specific and targeted activities, the Music Ministry Accelerator helped me recognize more of the things God had placed in me all along, and how the enemy had endeavored to prevent those things from developing. The personality test confirmed many things I suspected, but having someone else say it just made it more credible. Incubator prides itself in developing relationships that last. They go beyond the superficial performance-based mentality we so often see in contemporary Christian music, to the very core of what motivates the minister. They help the artist develop the raw material God has given them into a sustainable enterprise that touches hearts for a lifetime. Tami's encouragement and friendship have been invaluable and I am thankful for the entire incomparable experience.