Rose Tino and Incubator

Its a long story and long time. The last week of 2012, I set time aside praying for a number of things. Of the many things on my prayer list was for God’s help in building a successful music ministry. Since 2010 with not much success, if any at all, I have been trying to build a music ministry yet with lots and I mean lots of frustrations. If you are in the music industry, you know pretty well what I am talking about. My main ask of God was that He would connect me to wise spiritual and professional mentorship. I googled some stuff that I did not make much sense of. One of the pages I visited was about Incubator creative group. Yeah! I read about them but did not think much of them. I reluctantly signed up for a newsletter or something like that. I later on got an email inviting me to listen to some of their webinar series. Reluctantly I did. I have to say that a few things about them jolted me. Their teaching about the Non Nashville Blue Print, music as just one of many expressions and not the central focus and their focus on how to build and run a successful and sustainable music enterprise. These were things you never were told out there. Its been months of courting them (knowing who they are, for them to know who I am- values, trust openness). I have spent time with Incubator. It’s been about 8 months of auditioning with them. Believe me you can’t even fathom what auditioning with them is all about. The fellas wanted to know how I am wired, so they ran a brain test. I mean they are thorough. So last week is when they started to really talk serious. I was asked by Incubator's Vice president Tami Rowbotham to go throw a party for the girls as she announced to me that I am an artist with Incubator Creative Group. Tami cautioned me not wake the neighbors with little success. I know that many people have been praying for me. And am thankful. I had some people; my mentor, family, friends provide references for me. I am most grateful. I kind of have wild thoughts right now and although I expect so much right now I don’t really know what it is. But will take it step by step- because it all takes time, truth and grace. This does not change who I am. I am still me, with my other lives as a development worker and farmer-yea the farmer that wears glasses, gloves and gumboots and never held a hoe. I have looked forward to this moment all my life. I am happy that I got here. This is one place am plunging my whole self. I have loved it all the way, and am sure will. But I want to say that Incubator has been a God sent partner and mentor. I told them before that even if I did not wind up as an artist with them, I would still leave feeling blessed that our paths crossed. I love you all and so looking forward to do this with all of you.