My Book is Out! Funk Justice: 15 Fixes For Your Ministry Funks

Funk Justice: 15 Fixes For Your Ministry Funks

If you are a creative Christian you have no doubt experienced a funk and you cannot afford to be derailed.  Check out my book by clicking on the link below.  I aslo have a $10 discount coupon I'd love to share with you.

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Funk Justice

 The Fifteen Most Common Ministry Funks

Funk #1: The Crushing Weight Of Waiting
Harness the power of your regrets, and lift yourself to new ministry possibilities.

Funk #2: The Mile-High Rocky Mountain Low
Steal the thunder from the clouds of rejection, and get a good look at the view from the top.

Funk #3: Is There A Message In My Mess?
Discover how something broken is uniquely valuable in helping others.

Funk #4: Hoping For A Little Change, But Needing A Lot Of Dollars
Cash in on the secret of doing something small that has big impact on your ministry finances.

Funk #5: Help For The “Yes” Addict
Find a vein of surplus time for your ministry by getting a fix for over-commitment.

Funk #6: Can I Count On You, Brother?
We all need someone to lean on, but what do you do when it’s not your family?

Funk #7: If I’m Called, Why Is It So Hard?
Discover a different type of calling and how it is crucial to answering God’s call on your life.

Funk #8: So, What’s Wrong With Being Professional?
How amateurish thinking keeps you from seeing your true value and discovering where it will be celebrated.

Funk #9: What If I Don’t Have A Business Brain?
You can get along fine with a regular old brain, but you must first understand these important perspectives.

Funk #10: The Ministry Of Spinning Plates
Keep things from crashing down around you by adjusting just one simple aspect of your ministry plans.

Funk #11: The Emotion of Promotion
Discover the elusive secret of creating demand and keeping your emotional train on its tracks.

Funk #12: The Big Question of “Free?”
To charge, or not to charge. Is that really the question?

Funk #13: If No Man Is An Island, Why Am I So Lonely?
If your ministry feels like Gilligan’s three-hour cruise, this chapter is for you.

Funk #14: Whatever Happened To The Concept Of Excellence?
How to keep your sanity under the pressure of mediocrity, and knowing how and where to push.

Funk #15: The Gift of Creativity And Fitting It Into The Box
Whether inside or outside, discover how a fixation on the box misses the most important truth.