Rebekah Lawson had a Dream!

When I was 7 years old I had a dream of a ministry that would impact peoples lives. I would be singing and preaching and people would be laying down the things in their lives that were consuming them. After many years of life and graduating with a BA in music, I went to a Christian concert.  The Spirit of God was so strong and I felt as if God could have done so much in peoples lives. But, to my dismay, the performers just said, thank you and good night and sent everyone home.  I felt as if they had missed a great opportunity.  I started on my journey that night to realize that I was as much if not more of a minister than I was a musician. 

Through the years I tried and tried to create the ministry that God had placed inside of me.  There were moments of greatness, but it just was not happening.  I realized to make it in the Christian music industry you had to put music first and God second.  It was not for me, so I pursued pastoral ministry because I knew I wanted to help people in their spiritual life. 

Because of the pain God helped me grow through I wanted to do the same for others.  I went to seminary to learn how to do just that.  I went through years of trying to prove myself to several denominations so that I could have their approval and permission to preach and teach in their churches.  Because of my learning disabilities I was unable to pass the tests that were given to me.  I was unable to write in the way they wanted and was unable to be what they wanted me to be. 

It was devastating.  Not only did I feel as if one dream had died but my ‘second choice’ dream was also failing. This was not because I was not educated, did not fulfill the requirements, or even did not have an obvious call on my life. It was because I did not write the things they wanted me to right and was not playing the game correctly.  I took a step back and realized that I was chasing ordination and not God.  This was just like my frustration with the Christian Music industry! So, I took a job that lasted about a year and at the end of my time there my husband told me I should check Incubator out. 

“What is Incubator?” I asked.  Samuel continued to tell me that he had placed a song on their sight 10 years ago when we were dating when he was thinking of doing Christian music.  They had contacted him in January of 2013 by e-mail saying he should look at what they are about.  He told them that he was more into classical music now but that they may want to talk to his wife.  So in February of 2013 I started listening to the free online conferences to check them out. I started to realize they were focused on ministry and that music was just the byproduct of the ministry. As I listened more and more I realized that they had so many of the values that I hold dear in my life and in my ministry. 

I knew I did not want to be part of the music industry.  I knew that I was meant for ministry first and music second and here they were saying the same things I had in my heart.  Every time I listened to something new I got a confirmation in my spirit that I needed to listen more. Samuel and I  decided to keep going and make an investment in this for a short time to see if this was God's next step in my life and I entered into the application process. 

Incubator said it would be lengthy — and it was.  Every step that we took gave us more and more confirmation that this was right.  What was remarkable was that I was watching the dream that God had given me when I was 7 years old and the expanding of that dream through out my life coming back to life.  Before when I would think of that lost dream I would cry tears of pain and loose.  Now, I was seeing it re-birthed inside of me and there were people who wanted to help me bring that dream to fruition.  Now, I cry tears of joy.  I have so much expectation that God is going to do great things in my life and thank God that Incubator was there to show me the way. 

I have learned that if God gives you a dream, NEVER LET IT GO.  Keep it in your heart and one day God will open the doors that need to open so that that dream can become a reality. Incubator is helping me understand what I need to do to make this dream a reality financially and spiritually.  I need to learn so much about the business side of things.  I am a visionary person and I need that wise voice helping me see where and when things should happen.  I have given my ministry to them to help me understand how to wisely get to the next step.  Just like Abraham was grateful to God for giving him his dream after he was asked to sacrifice it, I to am grateful to God for what is to come is not of me but of God. 

Thanks to God for His love and destiny on my life. I could not do this without Him!