Incubator helped me take my ministry off pause...Rita Matis

Single parenting and tragedy caused me to put my music ministry on hold for 23 years. Although I continued to serve in various capacities in local churches by playing piano/keyboard and singing as part of the worship team, I did not have the time or energy to devote to practicing, concerts, or songwriting. It wasn’t until a year ago, while in the process of completing my MA Degree in Curriculum and Instruction, that I began to feel the calling of God to return to ministry. After much prayer, and with the encouragement of my children, I made the decision to pursue the calling of God on my life once more. It was then that the Lord reminded me of my friend Janet Charleen. Janet and I met at the Christian Artists Seminar in the Rockies 13 years ago. After attending a session held by Incubator Creative Group, Janet decided to begin the audition process with Incubator. I recall her calling me and the conversations that followed. I lost touch with Janet after hurricane Katrina but felt led to search for her on the Incubator Website. I found Janet but I also began exploring the Incubator website. It was then that I decided to check into the audition process myself. 

The audition process was lengthy and very involved. Part of the audition process involved viewing a series of videos. As I listened to these videos, I found myself crying, laughing and having, as the company calls them, several “Aha Moments”. In addition to the videos there was a lot of required reading. For years I had battled feelings of guilt and unworthiness over failures in my life. As I began to work through the material in the book The Search for Significance, by John McGee the Lord began to reveal truth to me. Painful things which I had buried for years began to resurface and as I faced these things within the safe and nurturing environment of my Incubator family I began to let go of the lies the enemy had used to keep me paralyzed. Waves of healing began to wash over my soul which in turn began to overflow into the lives of my children and those around me. The material and assignments at times were overwhelming however, the desire to have God change me and use me to make a difference in the lives of others was greater.

The gifts and calling of God are without repentance, and in His perfect timing he chose to resurrect the vision I had let die and set aside so many years ago. Though I have made many mistakes in my lifetime I thank God that He never gave up on me. Through the things I have suffered personally, and the things my children have gone through, God has refined me. The things the enemy meant to use for my destruction are the very things the Lord has used to prepare me for ministry.

My relationship with Incubator has provided accountability and a catalyst for spiritual growth and transformation. I feel blessed and honored to be a part of this wonderful company.
If I could sum up my hopes and desires for this ministry it would be to share with others the truth I found in Isaiah 44:22:“I have swept away your sins like a cloud. I have scattered your offenses like the morning mist. Oh return to me, for I have paid the price to set you free.”

God is no respecter of persons, what He did for me He WILL do for you. Are you bound by guilt? Come to Him, He desires to set you free so you can be all He has called you to be!!