The MME excerpt from Nate's book

The underlying structure of this book is based upon Incubator’s Music Ministry Entrepreneur System. This is a set of integrated principles, tools, and methodologies that provide a different way of seeing music ministry and a different way of being a music ministry. This system was developed over a five-year period at Incubator and is the culmination of more than twenty-five years of operation for the company and nearly four decades of full-time career work experience for me. It is the result of all my successes and all my failures. In ministry and business,everything goes toward making us stronger and taking us deeper into the journey God has for us (if we let it).

As a company, Incubator is still preaching the same core values today that we started 1989. A lot has changed in the world of Christian music in that time (hey, in the world in general for that matter). Incubator is doing things differently today than we did back then. We don’t use our telegraph so much anymore or travel by stage coach or record on cassettes or VHS tapes, or wear parachute pants, pony tails, or mullets. But, we are still using those same core values.  Order Nate's Book  Enter: 'Nate7' to save $10

Any company is the result of the values it holds. And,  I think you can tell a lot about a company by whether they actually can articulate their values and whether those values are truly integrated into the fabric of how they operate. A serendipity of this book is that in addition to giving you some solid information, you will get a chance to know about the values that drive Incubator. Those values have been foundational in the development of the material presented in this book.

Incubator is a ministry label uniquely built to support the Music Ministry Entrepreneur. We like to say that a record label releases recordings but a ministry label releases ministry. One of the ancillary results of publishing this book is that many readers will find out more about Incubator,perhaps for the first time. Your interest may be raised and you will want to get to know more about the company, perhaps even entering the Application Process to see if you and Incubator might be compatible. If so, I encourage you to pursue that avenue, since Incubator’s roster of raving artist fans will attest to how much their lives and ministries have been transformed through partnership with Incubator.  Get to know us!