A Crowning Moment By Rose Tino


he years had gone by; a lot of money spent and wasted. These were the years I met a lot of frustrations trying to get my music ministry off the ground. It seemed like a rabbit trail, with me winding where I started. No where! It felt like nobody really understood what I wanted since they were bent on making me a super star yet all I wanted to be was a music minister. There was not a systematic way of getting things done after they were agreed. Which meant I had to run after people to get projects completed. It was heart wrenching. With nothing to show for all that I had done, I later decided I would go it alone. Yet with a full time day job, there was a limit to which I could do so many things at the same time and alone without becoming a nervous wreck. I did what I could but without consistency. And for most of the time I did it wrong.

I could feel my heart get into desperate panic almost every single day especially since I felt the urgent need to do something with the calling on my life. My conscience often repeated almost loudly to me; 'to whom much is given, much is expected'. I lived in fear of dying a purpose less life. And worried about being a statistic of many who die without a legacy. By the end of 2012 I had reached the end of myself and there I was on my knees asking God to help. The answer was instant, a journey I would take into the future.

The last week of December will always be the turning point in my life. In the silence of my bed room, I decided I was going to nag God until He did something about my music ministry. I needed to run a successful music ministry, and I needed a mentor and a partner in the business. As I went about making my demands known, I got the idea to just browse the internet to see if I got ideas on how to build a successful music ministry. I came across a link by a company called Incubator Creative Group. I read about the company but with suspicion dismissed it or to put it another way 'parked it for another day'.

Weeks later I got an invitation from Tami Rowbotham, Incubator’s Vice President, to listen to some free stuff. With my skepticism, as long as it did not involve money, I decided I would not lose anything by listening. I listened to Nate Sakany, President of Incubator Creative Group. From the start to the finish I was attentive. There was something about this company. Something not many had, something revolutionary.

I was coming from a place where I was being forced to be and do things like everyone else. Where the focus was fame and stardom. I had this warped view about ministry- that it was all about music. In the conventional business world I was taught how to gloss my image to have a large fan following. With Incubator, I learned the opposites.

I learned the principles of vulnerability and authenticity and how these create demand for music ministry. I discovered how important it is to provide ministry to a small group of people as opposed to crowds. While I thought music was all, Incubator taught me that it was only a wrapping paper of the gift that I am to the world. And one of many ways of expressing the message that God had inscribed on my heart.

After the free series, Incubator invited me to be a member which I accepted. Shortly I went through the ministry adventure series where I learned more on how to treat my music ministry like a business enterprise. I got insights about incubator's values especially those of; Accountability, Objectivity and Connectivity. Incubator emphasized that I had to show up for work and treat my music ministry with respect. I graduated to the ministry accelerator series where I had to work on a number of projects and understand the difference between change and transformation; and the changes that I needed to make to have a transformation in my music ministry.

For 8 months, incubator was studying me. Yet for all that time; the company was consistent, systematic, committed, purposefully repetitive and alive. Incubator and I built a relationship. I trusted the company and found it a safe place. For all my years, I had never seen such order. I decided I wanted to work with them, if they wanted to work with me.

In September Nate and Tami informed me that I had passed the long application process and that the company was interested in having a long term relationship with me. My feelings were mixed and punctuated. I wondered whether it was really me they were talking about. Then shortly after I would break into a dance; to no song in particular. Conscious of my environment, I would then stop to check to see if someone out there did not think I was crazy. Once I was sure no one was watching I resumed my dance.

To be signed up with a Christian music label that stands for hatching excellent Kingdom stuff is a crowning moment. Honorable and very humbling at the same time. It has brought me to a place of rest knowing that I finally have the support to do something with my calling. I have now started to work on my music ministry. I look forward to the coming months and years with people like you. As I do that I can’t help but be amazed at how God has crowned the year with goodness- like getting me connected to Incubator Creative Group, a partner who will hold me accountable objectively and keep me connected to a supportive environment.