Are You Doing Ministry or Creating Scrapbook Items?

If you're creating products and nobody is buying them,  you just might be creating something you want but have failed to create demand for.  This can be an expensive approach to ministry.  All creative people love to create but if you cannot create demand then you need to stop and figure out how to.  It won't be easy.  Remember when you were learning how to play an instrument or learn to sing?  It was frustrating and challenging but you didn't give up.  That's the way it is when it comes to creating demand.  You can skip this step and you'll end up with a basement of CD's and a a bunch of things for your earthly scrapbook but you'll miss the eternal impact of touching people at a deep level.  So what are you going to do today?  Create more stuff or try to figure out how the stuff you created can touch a life?  Something to think about!  Tami