Barbara Palmer--So Many Questions!

“Where do I start?” and “How did I get here?” were questions I found myself asking myself over the course of more than a decade after feeling certain that the Lord had called me to music ministry. But, I had no clue how to “do it right.”

 “Who ever heard of a person with a music ministry who’s afraid to sing solo in front of a small group, or even in front of one person?” was another one of my questions. I battled a boat-load of fears that manifested primarily as questions, including fear of what people who knew me way back when ( I was too scared to sing straight) would say, OR, the fear of forgetting the words to songs while singing,  or  “who ever heard of a successful music minister who can’t play an instrument?”

Getting LinkedIn to Incubator for me was truly a divine connection because I honestly do not recall how Tami Rowbotham and I first were introduced, but I am certain it was via an old acquaintance I had but had not seen or talked to directly for years, via social media. This old acquaintance is someone with whom I once talked to in detail about my dreams with relevant to songwriting and singing. I told him that I really did not know where to start, and had been told he might be able to help me.  He lives in Alabama, and I now live in Texas. He helped me put together a plan for getting my non-existent music ministry off the ground and on the map (so to speak) a few years before I relocated to the Houston area from Birmingham. The budget for the plan totaled eighteen thousand dollars. Of course, since none of my relatives or friends are rich or famous, I did not have anything close to that amount of money to spend on producing a music project of any kind. So, it wasn’t long after several other attempts to connect with musicians, and pastors, and donors, and studios, that I learned to stop wasting my time.

Incubator eventually helped me understand that it is possible to have a meaningful music ministry on a part-time basis that does not require the kind of initial investment that I once thought was or was told was necessary.  Even though the connection grew seemingly out of the blue, it wasn’t long before  I was connecting with Tami regularly via Facebook  and email, and she invited me to visit the Incubator Vista Café, where I learned more about the Incubator Creative Group, its founder, Nate Sakany, the Non-Nashville Blueprint, 7 Ways to Lose Your Shirt and What to Wear Instead, and so much more.

It was so refreshing to learn how to avoid going routes that lead nowhere, and learning about ways that make spiritual and business sense when it comes to how to do Christian music. The focus is on MINISTRY, Hallelujah! Music ministry that is focused on ministry – using the unique expressions God has invested in me to reach and inspire others to love the Lord Jesus.  I especially enjoyed the wonderful way Incubator invited me to sample a wealth of their material free of charge over a period of a few months, which allowed me to learn about them, their call to and proven system for helping emerging Christian artists to establish then manage sustainable music ministries that focus on doing small things for God in a big way, and changing people’s lives. That is what I was called to do, whether through singing, writing, speaking, or something else creative. I was called to help change people’s lives for the better by sharing my life, talents, and compassion with the unique group of people my life was ordained to touch.  Incubator is helping me to fulfill the call of God on my life, by helping me understand that my voice and abilities are not the gift, I am the pearl of great price that the Lord paid for by the blood of Jesus, to save and transform. Working with Incubator for several months now, I have learned to value who I truly am in Christ, and to share the real me. That means ministering to others with the comfort I have received as I struggle with life issues, pain, and walking in forgiveness.

Incubator helped settle a multitude of questions that swirled around my head for years before I found them, or they found me. I am at peace knowing that my unique core ministry is able to inspire and draw people of all ages to the Lord, even though I still do not play a musical instrument. I suppose, I am the instrument the Lord has chosen to play. My question now is, “Is anything too hard for God?”  Absolutely  not. I am living proof. He’s using me in unbelievable ways to sing for His glory. Fear is under my feet in Jesus’ name, and I know that I am not doing what I am doing for the glory of man, but for the glory of my Savior – and He is with me every time I sing….every time I pray…..every time I lift up the name of Jesus!

So, how did I get here? God brought me this far, and He has planted me in the Incubator Creative Group to grow and hatch good stuff for Him. Being one of Incubator’s roster artists is so very awesome to me.