would like to share with you how I came to be working with Incubator Creative Group. It’s been an exciting journey so far as I’ve had a sense of God’s leading. I heard about a Christian Musician’s Summit in Redmond Washington and thought it might be a good idea to attend. One of the workshops I sat in on was that of Incubator. Both Nate’s sense of humour and Tami’s warmth appealed to me.
What they had to say made a lot of sense to me. They weren’t promising to make me a super-star, or guaranteeing overnight success. They talked about niche-notoriety, about building a ministry family and making an impact through relationships. A big “aha” was their insistence that music is really just a part of the gift I can share. More importantly I can share myself with you recognizing that God touches each of us throughout our lives. My testimony is the sum of my experiences with God. As Nate puts it, the music industry sells music, Incubator sells me and my story.

Delving into Incubator’s material has just increased my belief that this company has Christ at its centre. While I do receive business advice from Incubator, their material always highlights that the reason I’m pursuing this dream is to bring glory to God. I intend to remain humble, aware that apart from God I can do nothing. At the same time, I must let my light so shine before others that they will see my good works and glorify my father who is in heaven. At this point in the journey I’m full of hope that God will continue directing me – I know I can’t accomplish anything without him.
I can’t remember a time when I didn’t think of myself as a musician. As I walked with God and learned to depend on Him, I do remember deciding I wanted to use my music to bring glory to God. Leading worship gives me great joy. I think working with Incubator will help me to reach more people in our broken world and offer them the assurance that God cares deeply for them.
Every step of the journey will present new challenges, but I know with your prayers and support I will find the courage to take the next step. And the next…