Right Turn at Round-a-bout...By Terri Gary
Looping around clockwise over and over again in one direction will sooner or later leave you dizzy in despair. The circle seems to never stop. You ask yourself if there’s ever going to be an end to this spiral. The countless hours spent reading books and searching the net seem to never get you to the exit that will eventually get you out of your circle and onto the “right turn at the round.” Leaders show up. They come to help but most fail to take the journey with you.
This is where I stand today. Going in circles as an indie artist. Over the years tools were given to me and I used them but definitely not every tool so far was given to me to increase the value of God’s purpose for ministry. I work part-time as a banker and also part-time as a music minister. God’s call keeps calling me yet I still find myself circling around desperately trying to find that missing gem that will eventually find the right turn and move me further along in Gods ministry.
I met Tami, Vice President A&R from Incubator Creative Group, on Facebook. She and I became friends. We began to chat about Incubator. She mentioned how this ministry label was created for artists like me to help them develop their ministry using their gifts and talents as an artist. During this time, I was a bit cautious and afraid of commitment. However I never gave up. So I went ahead to get more details and browsed through a number of free online sessions referred to us as, “The Non-Nashville Blueprint.” It didn’t end here. Tami repeatedly extended her warm welcome and free help so that I could hear more.
The more I heard the more I became excited. Later I was offered a membership with Incubators “Music Ministry Accelerator.” This offer gave me access to a six hour online seminar. It guaranteed a one on one relationship with Incubator. So I signed up! This seminar took hours to complete. There were lots of stops and go’s along the way but I wanted to comprehend everything they were teaching. At last I found someone who was on the same page as I.
Up till that point, I had done a lot in my day with music as an artist. Recording, traveling to Nashville, signing with record labels, talking to agents, attending singer/songwriter fests, signing contracts, etc. etc. I spent year’s spending money and years going nowhere fast.
After a while my hopes began to diminish. This ministry was becoming stale whether I liked it or not. Only God can pluck the needle out of the haystack. And maybe he wouldn’t because I wasn’t ready. Somehow I messed up. I was moving too fast but procrastinating at the same time. I was too busy following the worlds direction that I got lost in the direction of the one who was calling me to serve. I needed to be saved from myself.
Nate Sakany (President from Incubator) made an interesting comment. Statistics say that it takes 2500 hours of quality time to build a stable business (ex. Gods ministry). This includes objectivity, accountability and connectivity with someone who can navigate the ship. Someone who’s been there before and has succeeded over the years in doing what you want to do. This takes time and lots of energy to accelerate your dream of being faithful to use your gifts and talents to build relationships and touch others with the Gospel of Jesus Christ. It’s a combination of many things built over time. This is where I rocked the boat and almost fell over.
Prior to Incubator, I was led by a stray of thievess looking only out for themselves. I was taken in by their promises to become something with my music. It wasn’t Christian mentorship. I became a premature adopter. I ran after the carrot without the wisdom. I was an artist with talent with no focus as to where it was leading. This sort of drive led me to slow down every time. Nate made me see how important it is to connect with people. To be whom you truly are. Your time in front of people is a way to present a sample of what your unique core ministry is and to give people a chance to respond to it. People’s lives will be touch by what you do on a deep level.
I question where I’d be in my ministry today if it wasn’t for Nate and Tami. Gods answer to prayer brought Incubator to my rescue. This was definitely Gods perfect timing. It’s nice to know that someone’s got your back who’s been there before you with more experience. I love the idea of having Incubator's accountability. I can breathe now and trust that Incubator will guide me further in my gifts and in my walk with Christ’s plan. Because finally, I’ll be taught through Incubator's creative system, how to create powerful ministry to the people that are desperately thirsty.