Some time ago, there was a young man and a young lady who had never met. Each one of them had a very strong desire and passion for singing music. They followed their dreams and started singing anywhere they could get a booking.
One day the young man joined a 5 man singing group and the young lady also joined a 3 female singing group. By chance both groups started taking vocal training lessons from the same vocal coach in New York City; It was there that they first met.
The young man (Marvin Jenkins) and the young lady (Adrienne Espinosa) started dating each other and fell in love. Sometime later they started singing together as an R&B duet known as “Real Desire”. They had their ups and downs in the music business but remained focused on their love to sing.
“Real Desire” traveled on tour to the U.S. Virgin Islands, was in the video “I Feel For You” with R&B artist Chaka Khan and sung at Madison Square Garden Theater, New York. “Real Desire” sang from event to event getting great reviews but after all of this “Real Desire” still could not get a break into the music business. Being broken by the R&B music industry, their hearts led them to go to church in search of GOD! One night while they were singing on stage at a bar in Brooklyn, N.Y., they looked in each other’s eyes and a feeling came over them and they knew…this was the last time that they would be using their talents for a time and place as this.
They became members of a large church in Brooklyn, N.Y. and became saved and baptized. They continue to sing but now with a new purpose; Gospel Music coming out of their lips. The singing duet “GOD’s Desire” was born and began writing gospel songs.
Today, that young man is…Pastor Marvin Jenkins and his First Lady Adrienne Espinosa-Jenkins. AMEN!...Today we are known as “GOD’s Desire Music” spreading GOD’s word and love to all that will hear!
We are currently an outreach ministry; GOD’s Desire Ministries is based in Bloomfield, New .Jersey. We have performed in various churches, parks, community events, or wherever The Holy Ghost sends us. We have a National Marketing & Distribution deal with an Indie Label for our CD “FREEDOM!”
But after all of this, there was still a void missing in our lives. We prayed and prayed “Lord, show us the way to find peace in what we do for you”. In GOD’s time the answer to our prayers were answered. HE brought Incubator Creative Group into our lives. The VP of Incubator (Tami Rowbotham) contacted us online through Facebook (WOW! GOD can use anything to do HIS will) and invited us to check them out and get back to her. We thought, Ok now what is GOD up to? Well, we investigated this Incubator Creative Group and found out that they only deal with genuine indie gospel artist. Can you believe that? We never heard of such a thing but, praise GOD! We found out that their thoughts, values and ways of approaching the music business as a business of ministry. This is what GOD had placed in our hearts some time back. We contacted Tami Rowbotham and started a solid relationship with her. It has now been over 6 or 7 months of us building up a lasting and positive relationship with Incubator; teaching us how to further GOD’s Desire Ministries/GOD’s Desire Music into a self- sustaining ministry. We have been on business guiding phone calls, online training sessions, step by step instructions on how to become a stronger tool for GOD to use to increase HIS Kingdom! Incubator is not just interested in us as an indie gospel artist group but their interest is in building our ministry as a unbeatable force for GOD’s Kingdom…Praise GOD!
GOD’s Desire Music is stronger today than ever due to The Lord bringing Incubator Creative Group into our lives doing small things in a big way! Incubator has changed us for the better our mindset and way of thinking. We know that GOD sometimes puts people in your life to test you for the better (iron sharpens iron). The Incubator Creative Group put us through a very long audition period (and we mean very long…lol) that took months to complete but it was all worth it. Throughout all of this, we are now signed to a Management A&R Agreement with Incubator Creative Group. We now feel that peace in our hearts that we had been missing.