Yup. You heard me correctly. You practice your instrument, your tune, your speech or whatever it is you’re trying to get better at…and that’s good but it’s the other kind of rehearsing you need to stop immediately. Instead of rehearsing the sound of your voice or instrument you can find yourself rehearsing the voices in your head. They can often sound something like this; really? You think that is good? You don’t seriously think someone is going to like what you have to offer do you? Why would anybody listen to you based on the mistakes you’ve made in your life? Sound familiar? It’s the voice of the enemy. He would like to think of himself as the conductor of your life and what you really need to do is throw him off the stage.
His whole gig is about getting your mind on the negative, disqualifying you from everything. Ultimately he wants you to hang your head in shame, be invisible, devalue the word of your testimony and be silent when it comes to professing ‘the blood of the lamb’. So why do we fall for his idiotic techniques?
Well, we’re fragile human beings. We have the spirit of the living God within us but we can be susceptible to mistaking the darts of the enemy when it comes to impacting the Kingdom of God. You and I want to be found faithful with the gifts He’s placed inside of us.
In all my 24 years of working with artists one thing is so true. Creative people can be so hard on themselves. Truth be told everyone is creative so that means all of us are our own worst enemy. When and not if you find yourself in a funk because you’ve rehearsed the voices in your head just one too many times, you need to look beyond you. You are the worst person to hang out with when you’re in a funk.
We all need someone who loves us and cares enough for us that will remind to ‘think on these things…remember? ‘Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable--if anything is excellent or praiseworthy--think about such things.’
So work it out…is that voice in your head speaking truth? If not, turn it off. Are those thoughts noble and right and pure? Probably not if you’re in a funk…tell yourself to shut up. Lovely, admirable, excellent and praiseworthy…judge your thoughts. And if you can’t turn down the volume pray louder then the voice in your head. Rehearse His promises, His truths…and then think on those things and keep rehearsing them! Bookmark Phillipians 4:8…memorize, rehearse and perform it over and over again! Something to think about.