Gigi Gray Travels from Texas to Tennessee

If I try to compete with other artists on a quality level, there will always be someone better. But if I can express my Unique Core Ministry (UCM) using God’s power source to touch the hearts of individuals, I can connect with people on an intimate level for a lifetime. Here are just a few things that really impacted me during our weekend: Incubator is designed to lead the artist into a personal understanding of his/her core insecurity. (feeling of shame) Insecurity, or a feeling of shame is at the core of all artists’ search for validation. There are two sides of shame: 1) believe nothing & no one 2) Belief/Trust everyone and everything. In familial environments, we are sometimes taught suppress our true feelings, setting us up to live broken lives. Christ bore our shame on the cross. (“..I hid not my face from shame…” Isa. 50:6) Incubator fosters transformation; uncovering the artist’s brokenness, teaching us how to promote the healing of others within our ministry work. “I am qualified to share my unique core ministry because of the distinctive life I’ve lived. My story can bring encouragement to others, fostering a trust in Christ.” Gigi “We don’t put skeletons in a closet, we put something alive in the closet which then dies and all that’s left is a skeleton.~Nate Sakany In finding my core ministry, my message is in my mess. God can use my mess to help restore the things that have been lost in the lives of others (trust, sense of adventure, pride, dreams…) Broken will not remain “covered or hidden” for long. My unique core ministry (UCM) with become the power source of my ministry. Music is only an expression of my ministry. I am a creator of material (or content). Being a Content Creator moves my ministry into a higher level of usefulness for God’s kingdom program. For the record, I'm the one in black and white!