Angela Gambrel and Incubator Connect in Nashville

God is always “hatching good stuff”! Incubator Creative Group is living proof of that catchy phrase. Recently, I had the opportunity to attend part of a summit organized and held by Nate and Tami in Nashville, TN, and even though I had to leave early, I am so glad for the effort it took to get there! Balancing family, church, a home, and a ministry is not an easy task. Three weeks before the summit, I had a difficult surgery and I honestly considered not attending. God called me to make the 4 hour drive down to Nashville, though, and I had to respond! From the time I began investigating Incubator I knew that they were set apart from other ministry development companies. Their “heart” is centered in and around our Savior, Jesus Christ. Once I made it through the rigorous audition process and signed with them as a roster artist, I knew that I was truly on the right path. All of what they write in their articles, record on their website, and say on the phone is sincere and God-centered. All of this was proven to me at the summit! Hugging their necks, sharing laughs, joining together in prayer, and racking brains together has solidified my faith not only in the company, but also in my personal ministry. When God leads us to work with other Christians who have a true heart for worship and evangelism, it’s best to follow! Grace, mercy, and peace to you… Angela Gambrel