Lydia Coyner Harrelson is music to Tami's ears

This is a message I received from Lydia and it's artist like this I just love. You and I have been gifted with our talents so we might impact people around us. That is what we call ministry. Being willing to grow is such a huge thing in the life of any legitimate artist. If you ever think you've arrived,'re done! I know I'm biased but Incubator artists get it. They are committed to growth and I'm talkin' deep growth in our ministry Incubator. We are life message producers committed to soul care...oh how I love my job! Tami Rowbotham FROM LYDIA: Tami, here is your own "Rah Rah Cheep Cheep"--I just wanted to say that I can't tell you what all this has meant to me. When you spoke of "deep calling to deep," that just says it all, because I could not begin to write down all that is happening inside me. And on a physical level, I have been going to a highly trained nutritionist who is helping me to re-organizing my glandular system. The glandular system is what controls all the functions of the body. You can exercise and cut calories all you want, but you won't fix extra weight gain, you won't fix feeling bad, or in the dumps, or wild emotions, unless the glands are fixed. Your health will slowly deteriorate, and your life will be a daily death--filled with alternating periods of feeling like you finally have a "fix" and then the eventual falling into despair. I can't begin to tell you the money I have invested in my health. I have come to the conclusion that just as I went from one thing to the next trying to find an answer to my health issues, I also wanted an answer to my depression and restlessness, and frustration at the glass prison I found myself in when I tried to further my ministry even in my own local church (which I switched in and out of frequently). Now I have gone back to what I knew deep down to be the answer all along--seeing Dr. Susanna Wetsel, who, also with the work of her amazing husband Don, has the training, compassion and experience with cases like mine to, step-by-step, priority by priority, help me help myself. Her supplements and training are her tools. And during this same awesome summer, you and Nate and Julie and all the rest at Incubator are doing the exact same thing for my soul and my spirit, giving me the tools, step-by-step, and teaching me to allow myself the time to integrate it all, to help me help myself. Thank you so much. No words to explain. Thank you for not giving up on me.