Pami Guerra-Incubator's Supergirl Storms Nashville

Nashville! Music City! A place I'd heard a lot about but had never seen. I was finally going and in style. I had my authentic red cowgirl boots (even smelled like leather) and I was looking forward to adding a few scuff marks to the soles while I made some awesome memories. Needless to say, I had a blast laughing and line dancing with my fellow artist peeps and my management company. It didn't seem like anything could beat that. I even tried fried pickles and actually liked them (I've been told a select few restaurants in my area actually make them too. I need to give them a try and see if they measure up to the south). Every year that I get to spend with my music company and fellow artists has always been a blessing. I always come away having learned something new and profound & completely applicable to my ministry and my faith. This year was no different from the rest. Our ministries are more than the music. This is something Incubator reminds us of on a regular basis. It's about sharing God's redemption & healing from our own deep hurts and wounds. My journey with Incubator started nearly 9 years ago. That's also when my journey to healing began. Nine years! In those 9 years I've learned so much more about what my Savior has saved me from. I knew I needed saving from eternal death, but it took some nudging and prodding from Incubator to realize I needed saving from myself and my Heavenly Father had provided the way. Out of this continuous growth I've had the pleasure of discipling those caught in the same rut of pain that I once was. But I've found the job to sometimes be frustrating. I want these seekers to know I've already made the mistakes and if they'd just do as I say they wouldn't have to make them too. Something Nate Sakany said to us during the conference struck me. He said "You can't expect someone to learn what took you several years to learn in 3 weeks! It's impossible! It's important that you remember where you came from in order to help guide them." Of course! That's what learning is after all. Practicing it over time, being reminded and finally, it will click. I asked myself "how can I help people navigate if I can't remember the directions?" I had spent very little time looking back to be reminded of how I came to this point. How else can I explain the joy and peace I now have? When I look back I am also reminded of the grace God had extended me. That was a long time for Him to wait for the lesson to finally click for me and yet, He never gave up. Surly I can learn to extend the same grace to those who seek it. And even in this lesson alone, God has reminded me, I'm not done learning myself. I still have a long way to go. And so, I came away from my adventures in Nashville with memories, pictures, a couple of souvenirs, great new relationships and stronger old ones and a renewed mind and heart as I continue to serve my God through my ministry.