Bradley Kane and Incubator--The Poetic Endeavors of a Music Minister

Have you ever had a passion in your heart, but didn't know where to start? Have you ever had a dream, but the path was unseen? Have you ever felt overwhelmed, when there is nobody else at the helm? No this is not the start of a poem. But however those statement are conveyed, rhyme or no rhyme, we can all relate to them somewhere in our own lives. This was my poem many years ago while trying to build a poetic dream of a music ministry. But there was nothing poetic about it.... In the summer of 2011, I had four flat tires. I was trying to keep the wheels turning on a new music ministry that was proving to be fruitless. Being involved in music ministry at my church, composing and producing my own recordings and distributing them through various channels, and trying to build a fan base was not enough. I needed something more significant, I needed a partner that could show me the ropes of the music ministry world, so I started my search. I almost immediately came across Incubator on line. Although my mindset was still poised on the Nashville way of doing ministry. I put off Incubator and continued my search. For quite some time afterward, while doing a great deal of research of various artist development agencies, worship seminars, Christian vocational schools, and record labels, I kept going back to Incubator thinking how unique they were in the way of being more ministry driven, not industry driven. So I took the first steps in applying for them. They were great to work with. I really enjoyed hearing the different commentaries by the president of Incubator Nate Sakany and vice president Tami Rowbotham. They're compassionate and loving way of understanding my personal situations and how they wanted to build my esteem and my confidence as a Christian artist was very refreshing. The programs and projects they have are specially designed to develop you from the inside out. They provoke you to discover the mysteries of God instilled in you, and draw out questions and answers within you that only God knows about. They draw you into a deeper understanding of who you are in Christ, and what roll you play within the body of Christ. There have been many times that I was brought to tears as they asked me certain questions about my life, what I've experienced, how God brought me through hardships and how He brought tremendous joy and peace in my life. They helped me to reflect on those that can benefit from my experiences. We all have a story, but a God given story is the best one of all and must be shared. Their way of critiquing me was very loving and supportive as well. It was never condemning and I love that about them. Because I believe that's how Jesus is as well. He wants to build you up and not tear you down. And that's how they work here at Incubator. Their techniques and programs are very solid and accurate. One good example is their personality assessment program which I was utterly stunned on how accurate it was about who I am. They absolutely nailed me and made me discover things about myself that I didn't realize before. There were many other projects geared towards personal growth. The application process was also a chance for them to find out who I am as a Christian artist. Together in discovering each other, we have discovered a unique core ministry. A ministry that can be built to reach others in unique and specific ways. We are all called to preach the gospel to every man woman and child on this planet, but we can't do it alone. We all have our own audience, but who is our audience? Who can we touch the most based on our personal experiences in life? Incubator comes in and they help you to discover your audience, maximizing the most impact to those that need it. Doing big and a small way. As they say. I was once a lead supervisor for a construction company and one day a fellow supervisor came to my site for a visit. Without getting into detail he pointed out some flaws in the structure that needed to be addressed. Feeling a little embarrassed from overlooking those flaws I thanked him. He graciously replied; “We all need two sets of eyes sometimes.” In the music creation world, we all need two sets of ears as well. I have several sets of ears at my disposal, assuring that the music I compose and the perform are done in such a way that are most palatable to the ears of the audience. Not only do they help in discovering who we are inside and out, but also to discover who we are administratively and running a ministry. There are some very practical teachings that I'm learning from them about how to properly run a ministry. Incubator also keeps me accountable for every dime that passes through this ministry. I use to shutter at the thought of other people investing in my ministry and to think how disastrous it would be. But now I have the full confidence of knowing others can invest in this ministry and have the security of knowing they are sowing into good fertile soil. God has called us all to be 'purpose driven' not 'poke along and see what happens driven'. I know, I've tried that program and let me tell you something, it doesn't work! Just having a dream and just waiting on God to SOMEHOW make it happen is not good stewardship. God gives us the talent and the passion, but it's up to us to pursue His provision and to be pro active in working it. I believe that Incubator is God's provision for me, and the answer to all my prayers and my passions as a music minister. My deepest prayers however, are that people will be healed, the lost will be found, and God's kingdom will continue to be revealed. Now that I am in partnership as a signed roster artist with Incubator, I can safely say that the beautiful poetry of my music ministry endeavors has been restored. We are working together to bring that same poetic beauty to others in a world that desperately need Jesus.