Linda Mould Meets Up With Incubator in Nashville

The Incubator Creative Group Nashville Summit was a wonderful and memorable experience! An experience that will always be with me, I met Tami and Nate face to face and other artists. They were so friendly and authentic... they made me feel welcome and part of the family. The information and wisdom that both Tami and Nate shared to help develop our ministries was invaluable and crucial for the furtherment of Kingdom Stuff (as Tami likes to put it.. : ) ). Saturday night was Pizza Party night (which was a total blast) and I can't remember a time when I laughed so much!! Sunday just happened to be my birthday, so the whole group sang "Happy Birthday" . These people are so loving, compassionate, funny, dedicated and committed to their ministries and I am fortunate and blessed to call them all brothers and sisters in Christ!! I'm here on the right with my fellow roster artist, Judy Deans!