Shine Morrison Lights up Nashville

So I went to the Music City, Nashville, TN for very first time. Nashville is where all kinds of musicians go and try to make their dream come true in music business. Sure enough, as soon as I got off the plane at the airport, there was live country music performing by a local musician. Oh, this is what the Music City about! Before I left my hometown in WA, I was asked so many times by my friends what I’ll be doing in Nashville. Most of them asked me, “Are you recording your music?” Oh, that would be fun but I went there for a higher purpose than that, learning more about how to impact people whom God given to me with ministry that God birthed into my life. Of course, music is a part of my ministry. But my life is more than just music! I’ve been to Incubator Campus last several years for our yearly Summer Summit. So meeting with Nate, Tami and other artists in Nashville was a little different experience. But you know what never changes whether we are at the campus or not? That is a nurturing environment with love, acceptance, encouragement and lots of laughter! I always feel ‘home’ when I see everyone’s face. Even though we see each other once a year, we reconnect quickly like we’ve never left each other. Of course there were several new artists that I’ve never met. But we become a family easily because we all have the same focus in our ministry, impacting the Kingdom of God. Two days of our learning sessions were filled with wisdom and encouragement from Nate and Tami that lot to chew on and enhance my ministry in future. I leave every summit with such encouragement but this wasn’t an exception either. On a side note, I loved line dancing with Tami and my artist friends. I wish Nate had joined us. That could be another story to tell!