Linda Mould was Lost but Now She is Found

                             The Lost Now Found

 “ I once was lost, but now I’m found….”    Such great words penned by John Newton for the classic hymn, “Amazing Grace”. These words really resonate with me because it pretty much describes where I was with my music ministry and the end result of His blessings.

“ I once was lost….”
There were a lot of things I wanted to try to kick start my ministry. The problem was, I really didn’t know where to begin. I tried to start a Prayer/Praise evening service, but with not much interest from others and hardly any attendance. In my frustration, I thought maybe this wasn’t God’s plan for me and I should look at some other kind of ministry besides music.

Though music was always a huge part of my life, I thought for sure this is where God has called me. Sure, I played in several different Praise/Worship teams, and lead worship one Sunday a month, but I longed to do something more with music and be able to utilize the gifts God has given to me.

My ministry was pretty much in limbo until one day I received a friend request on Facebook from Tami Rowbotham, the VP and A&R person for Incubator Creative Group. I normally won’t friend people I don’t know, but for some strange reason I did anyway. I was intrigued and curious. I checked out Incubator and was excited, yet I was also leery. I really loved what Nate Sakany was saying and totally agreed with their values, but I’ll admit I thought this had to be some sort of scam. I really had nothing to lose and thought if this company is for real, here’s the opportunity which God is giving to me.

“…but now I’m found,”
I contacted Incubator and went through hours and hours of online seminars. The further along I went into these seminars, the more my eyes opened to a new vision of everyday life and of my ministry. My heart leaped, and at that moment I knew I found the help I needed to jump start my ministry!

“..was blind but now I see.”
The president of Incubator, Nate Sakany, talks about focusing on the individual and not the masses. That my ministry is so much more than the music. He reminds us to pay attention and look at the everyday stuff, that the little things can reveal many truths. By going through these seminars, my view has changed drastically. I’ve developed an even more deeper relationship with the Lord and focus my everyday waking hours as praise and worship to Him.

The first weekend in June, I was invited to Nashville, TN for a weekend summit that Incubator Creative Group was hosting. I thought this would be the perfect opportunity to finally meet Tami Rowbotham and Nate Sakany face to face. This I was really excited about! To be able to meet the people behind the wisdom and brilliance of Incubator would be a lasting experience.

From getting to know Tami and Nate that weekend, as well as staying in contact with them, has given me the assurance that I’ve made a great decision to partner with Incubator Creative Group in my music ministry.