Summer Summit 2014

A lthough I could personally go on and on for days, you don't need to hear my opinions on the 2014 Summer Summit. It was incredible to hang with this group of 'creatives' but as Incubator's 'mama hen', I know I'm pretty biased.  So, I'm going to let you hear it straight from the mouths of some of those who attended! — Tami Rowbotham

“Thanks Tami and Nate for another fabulous campus experience! Summer Summit for me is the "Gas Station" where I can be recharged with such love, acceptance and encouragement. It's more than where I can learn about contents but connect with people who understand each other's heart and mind. Incubator focuses on "relationships" and our personal growth. This year, I really felt how we grew together over last 10 years. Seriously, it's a place where you can be "Broken" and everyone is okay with that. We all have struggles, personal wounds and stories. One's story is not more or less than other's. Incidents in our lives might be different but we all struggle with similar stuff, fear of rejection, abandonment, acceptance, people pleasing, insecurities... etc... And we don't easily find a place where we can talk about those "stuff" without fear of judgement but at Incubator Creative Group. I'm charged up to work more years for my calling that God has placed into my life!” — Shine Morrison

“I want to say once again - it was awesome to meet all of you and see what a wonderful group of caring, genuine people that Incubator is made up of. I consider this Summit to be a landmark event in my life, both in my ministry and personal life as a believer, since I think it has brought healing in some major areas in my life. I definitely believe it was God that brought me there. It seems that in normal everyday life, people with whom you can be open and share your struggles can be few and far between, so this has been an incredible blessing to me. God bless you all, and I'll be praying for you, that God will bless and grow your ministries beyond all you could ask or imagine.”   — Dave Ehlers

“Thanks so much for another amazing Summit. As if the guidance and mentor-ship you provide on a regular basis weren't an abundant value already, the summit is like lots of lots and lots and lots of whipped cream on top. I learned a lot, I was encouraged and uplifted, and hey... gourmet food!” — Jackie Doss

“I was reminded that being isolated breeds atrophy. Community breeds growth! Thanks for helping me grow, friends. It was so nice to hang at the Villa and just "play" for a few days, learning how to "just keep swimming" through each step of the website.  Jenee O'Connor
I am about a year into my signed relationship with Incubator and was not sure what to expect from the Summer Summit, but i was pleasantly surprised. A lot of the questions i had were answered and more. I walked away with great ideas, great worship experiences, and great new friends. The face to face interaction alone was worth it, and yet there was so much more. Now if i can get all my new friends in to Dr. Who we can have a theme for the next Summit.” — Rebekah Lawson

“I am grateful to have been able to attend Summit 2014 this year. I walked away with fresh and practical ideas for my music ministry. The Summit challenged me to dig deeper into the things God has for me and my ministry, while at the same time linking me with others who are also on similar journeys. This was a priceless experience so thank you Tami and Nate for taking the time to pour into my ministry!” — Felicia Rives

“I'm still getting my bearings straight here, but on the forefront, RELATIONSHIP seemed to be a paramount for me this time around. (Is paramount the right word?) Just about everything that was hammered home to me resounded with relationship, relationship, relationship. Closeness with friends, how problems are tackled, how rejoicing takes place, and most importantly, how true and real life ministry has the most significant impact. (GO Vista 2, Love Languages, Nothin' but grace here, putting others before 'me', etc.) Sure, being with Incubator, relationship is nothing new,  but the importance of it has once again been highlighted, and my heart and mind soaked in the deep reality of real, true relationships, and how nothing really matters if relationship is not at its core.” — Judy Deans