Your Own Eyes Deceiving You?

If you don't like what you see in your ministry efforts you're going to need someone who has better vision than you.  I'm not saying you don't see, but I am saying that if things aren't working you probably have a blurred vision!  You can be myopic because you're too close to your own situation.  Or you're hyperopic and living too far out into the future not accomplishing anything in the here and now.  Whatever your prescription, your eyes are probably messing with your ministry future!

Let me give you an example.  Out of desperation and frustration you can look for a quick fix. For the record there isn't one but here are a few examples.  Everyone knows promoting your ministry is tough and if you're honest you're looking for a simple approach so you don't have to be rejected.'ll buy an ad, attend a free webinar, listen to some internet guru... but stop for a moment.  Anything void of relationship is just 'stuff' and there is so much 'stuff' that simply doesn't work.  Now you may feel better, like you've actually done something but bottom line if it doesn't translate into results then it was a waste of time.  You don't have time to waste and you know it. If the 'thing' you're seeking out doesn't have an accountability piece and someone you can go back to if it's not working for you then you've just got information and information without relationship is busy work.  Anyone can hand out information and seldom is someone willing to stand behind the words they speak with a guarantee.    

At Incubator we believe in what we call 'Prescriptive Leadership'.  We're not afraid to lead because once we hear your heart we know how to get you where you want to go.  After 25 years we've seen it all.  There is NOTHING new under the artistic sun.  If you're not working with someone who will stand behind their direction then isn't it a bit like the blind leading the blind?  I know it's harsh but let's skip the niceties and focus on how ministry should impact people otherwise it's therapy.  If you're going to get beyond where you are you're going to need relationship, tools and accountability.  We guarantee our approach will change your results but you've got to begin with wanting something different.

Talk is cheep whether it's a forum where you can't differentiate who is really creating results or whether it's a webinar where a lot of people turn up yet there is no next step to take.  And when it comes to your experience, while it  gives you a view, it will be hard for you to see something you have no experience seeing.  Prescriptive Leadership looks at everything in your heart differently and dares to dream big while backing it up with a management approach that is guaranteed!  

So what can you do?  You have 3 opportunites.

#1.  If you're serious check out our Ministry Entrepreneur approach at: but it will require you be willing to build a relationship with us.

#2.  You can check out Nate's book titled, Seven Secrets To A Successful Independent Christian Music Ministry.  You can even save $10 by entering Nate7  Nate's Book

#3.  If you're stuck and frustrated then check out my book, Funk Justice, 15 Fixes for Your Ministry Funks.  You can save $10 by entering TRSpecial. Tami's Book

So it's up to CAN get better vision but it all starts with you recognizing you have a problem and then seeking help.  Something to think about...Tami