Why Is Incubator So Picky?

Incubator's focus is working with music ministries who have a desire to move to the thriving level on a part-time or full-time basis. Some candidates are just starting to act on their dream to develop a music ministry. Others have accomplished some initial steps but have not yet established a thriving enterprise. Others have spent a good deal of time, energy and money in an effort to grow their ministry but remain frustrated. Some are weary of the lonely journey of trying to make sense of all the pieces and are in search of an understanding partner to assist them to build a sustainable music ministry. The building stages of music ministry are a very vulnerable and frustrating time, and it is for that unique season of an artist's career that the nurturing environment of Incubator Creative Group exists.
Simply put... if your ministry isn't thriving yet you are a candidate to apply with Incubator (regardless of how long you have been working at it). Because of Incubator's specialized design for the developing music ministry our systems are finely tuned to be especially productive for our clients who must merge the part-time activity of building a music ministry into an already full-time life. Our strong accountability systems encourage consistent efforts. But, we are also tightly attuned to the need for flexibility and adaptability that our clients demand when blending ministry entrepreneurship with the rest of their busy lives.
If you're ready to do more ministry...let's get to know each other! Private message me or visit www.incubatoronline.com/gps